Cork, Ireland

Inchydoney Island Beach, Clonakilty, West Cork

Abstract of Cork
County Cork is the most southerly and the largest of the modern counties of Ireland. Some popular attractions are including Sherkin Island, Oileán Chléire or Cape Clear Island and Dursey Island. Mizen Head, the "southwesternmost point in Ireland" is also in West Cork, as is Sheep's Head. Cork City: Cork (Irish: Corcaigh) is the second largest city in the Republic of Ireland and Ireland's third most populous city after Dublin and Belfast. It is the principal city and administrative centre of County Cork. It has a population of 119,143. The city's name is derived from the Irish word corcach, meaning "marshy place", referring to its situation on the River Lee. Cork has a reputation for rebelliousness dating back to the town's support of the English pretender Perkin Warbeck in 1491 following the Wars of the Roses. Cork County has the nickname of "the Rebel County", and Corkonians often refer to Cork as the "real capital of Ireland". The River Lee flows through the city, an island in the river forming the main part of the city centre just before the Lee flows into Lough Mahon and thence to Cork Harbour, one of the world's largest natural harbours. The city is a major Irish seaport — with quays and docks sited along the broad waterway of the Lee on the city's East side, while Cork plays host to the world's second largest natural harbour, after Sydney, Australia. (reference modified from

Perjalanan dari Dublin ke Cork dengan menaiki bas adalah lebih kurang 3 jam lebih (254 km). Bas tersebut hanya berhenti rehat satu kali sahaja. Akhirnya kami tiba di stesen bas di bandar Cork sebagaimana yang dijangkakan iaitu hampir jam 7 malam. Tidak lama menunggu, sahabat kami tiba untuk mengambil kami dan membawa kami pulang ke rumahnya di Blackpool-Cork.

Sebenarnya tidak banyak sempat kami jelajahi di bandar
Cork atau pun dalam County Cork itu sendiri. Ini kerana sepanjang 5 hari 4 malam di sini, kami dibawa ke luar dari Cork. Hari Pertama kami mengilingi Ring of Kerry terletak di County Kerry dengan panorama indah yang tidak akan dilupakan, Hari Kedua pula kami ke County Clare untuk mengikuti trip melihat ikan lumba-lumba di Kilrush Marina. Hanya Hari Ketiga, kami ke Inchydoney Island Beach, iaitu pantai yang terletak di West Cork. Pada hari terakhir, kami menaiki Ryan Air di Kerry Airport untuk terbang pulang ke Germany.

Inchydoney Island Beach, Clonakilty, West Cork

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